Lemonade Chronicles Life; Gently Squeezed

Monthly Archives: March 2018

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The Reluctant Smile

In this week’s pencil drawing I take a different approach. Instead of someone famous I attempt to draw an awesome picture of a grandmother. This grandmother was fondly remembered by their grandchild in a Reddit post. The person who posted the picture indicated that their grandmother didn’t really like smiling in photographs, but they were able to capture a smile in a candid photograph. I was moved by the picture and offered to draw it for them.

I feel that I fell short in appropriately representing the grandmother’s smile – I felt the drawing was, while technically good from lighting and shading, a bit dark.

Here’s the process.

First, please enjoy the wonderful picture of the grandmother.

The wonderful candid capture of the smile

Here’s the start of each Read More

Practically Perfect in Every Way – Drawing Mary Poppins

One of the most iconic female movie characters is Mary Poppins. In 1964 Julie Andrews played this no-nonsense nanny who swoops into a troubled family and helps the dad recognize the importance of his fatherly role. Here is the process I used for drawing this 1964 version of Mary Poppins. I wonder how well Emily Blunt in “Mary Poppins Returns” will be able to portray the Mary Poppins we all know and love from the original movie.

As always, I start with a 1″ x 1″ grid on both the photograph and my drawing paper. For this drawing I mainly used a 2B mechanical graphite pencil and I used an 8B and 6B wooden pencil for the hat/shadow area and the background filler.

Starting with a grid


As I went along I noticed that the nose was a bit too wide and that the right nostril was too high.  Read More